The Novell Certified Assessment Diskette software is designed to help
you evaluate your NetWare knowledge. It will also give you practice
answering questions of a similar format to those on the actual
certification exams.
Because these tests cover the concepts you are required to know for
certification, the higher you score, the closer you may be to
actually becoming certified. However, these tests do not serve
as actual certification exams, nor does performance on these
tests guarantee or directly correlate to the success you may have
on actual certification exams.
You may take the tests one at a time, in any order, and you may
repeat each test as often as you wish. The tests are not scored
as pass or fail. The score given for each test enables you to
evaluate the quality of your performance and decide whether you
would benefit from the training prescriptions provided.
At the end of each test you will see your percent score along
with recommended study materials, called "prescriptions." All
study materials, whether self-study, instructor-led or computer-
based, are available through your local Novell Authorized Education
Center (NAEC).
We thank you for taking the challenge to "put your networking know-
ledge to the test."
Good Luck.
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